- Logstash 1.4.2 RPM Creation (auto-dependencies)LOGSTASH-2287Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-2287Logstash Developers
- 1.4.2 crash for unknown reasonLOGSTASH-2285Logstash Developers
- ArgumentError: invalid byte sequence in UTF-8LOGSTASH-2284Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-2284Logstash Developers
- Logstash (node client) haphazardly connects to ElasticsearchLOGSTASH-2283Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-2283Logstash Developers
- S3 input config - credentials never nilLOGSTASH-2281Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-2281Logstash Developers
- S3 configuration doesn't work when loaded via folderLOGSTASH-2280Philippe Weber
- Process dies when trying to *use* it.LOGSTASH-2279Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-2279Logstash Developers
- logstash crash when elasticsearch output no longer reachableLOGSTASH-2275Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-2275Logstash Developers
- Logstash does not appear to cleanup after itself well (specifically S3)LOGSTASH-2273Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-2273Logstash Developers
- kv filter: support escaped quotesLOGSTASH-2272Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-2272Aaron Mildenstein
- contrib zabbix plugin - zabbix_sender [805]: Warning: incorrect answer from server []LOGSTASH-2271Logstash Developers
- One output blocking will block all outputs.LOGSTASH-2267Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-2267Philippe Weber
- Documentation for metrics filter uses wrong exampleLOGSTASH-2266Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-2266Logstash Developers
- "make package" is a bit fragileLOGSTASH-2264Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-2264Logstash Developers
- file input plugin overrides "path" field in jsonLOGSTASH-2259Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-2259Philippe Weber
- contrib plugin: cipher filter, base64 encoding bug on encryption, support for random IVsLOGSTASH-2256Logstash Developers
- Exclude .gitignore files from the release tarballsLOGSTASH-2252Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-2252Jordan Sissel
- fingerprint punctuation doesn't just leave punctuationLOGSTASH-2251Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-2251Logstash Developers
- Contrib distribution overwrites some files in LogstashLOGSTASH-2249Logstash Developers
- Logstash contrib plugin manual installation steps are not correctLOGSTASH-2248Logstash Developers
- Logstash crashs and Google BigQuery feature upgradeLOGSTASH-2247Logstash Developers
- UndefinedConversionError with UTF-8 encoding in xml pluginLOGSTASH-2246Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-2246Philippe Weber
- Make it configurable, in what timezone events are written to the outputLOGSTASH-2243Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-2243Philippe Weber
- Logstash JMX input plugin doesn't support add_fieldLOGSTASH-2242Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-2242Logstash Developers
- fingerprint filter fails on Windows for SHA & MD5LOGSTASH-2240Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-2240Logstash Developers
- Unsupported platform: unknown-linux (IBM Power)LOGSTASH-2234Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-2234Logstash Developers
- Unix Input Plugin cannot connect to UNIX SocketLOGSTASH-2233Logstash Developers
- Collect weblogs in french : input failure due to accent like "Réception"LOGSTASH-2226Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-2226Logstash Developers
- Logstash 1.4.x init script "deficiencies"LOGSTASH-2225Logstash Developers
- Challenges in SMAPI logs ParsingLOGSTASH-2224Logstash Developers
- IPv6 grok pattern does not work with some addressesLOGSTASH-2222Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-2222Philippe Weber
- Logstash 1.4.1 Error after installationLOGSTASH-2219Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-2219Logstash Developers
- KV modification to allow for Key to be forced into uppercaseLOGSTASH-2217Logstash Developers
- logstash multiline: Adding lastline to previous line.LOGSTASH-2214Logstash Developers
- logstash stops processing data when a plugin throws an exceptionLOGSTASH-2212Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-2212Logstash Developers
- remove_field on json filterLOGSTASH-2209Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-2209Philippe Weber
- Logstash-Forwarder nohup: appending output to `nohup.out'LOGSTASH-2208Logstash Developers
- Need to add stream_identify (from filter) to multiline codecLOGSTASH-2207Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-2207Philippe Weber
- Logstash SQS plugin does not retry on sqs queue(s) when aws internal error happenedLOGSTASH-2205Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-2205Logstash Developers
- Do not update sincedb if the data is not accepted by elasticsearchLOGSTASH-2203Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-2203Logstash Developers
- Multiline filter creates array of messages instead single event with single lineLOGSTASH-2202Logstash Developers
- in/not in operator and single element listsLOGSTASH-2201Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-2201Logstash Developers
- Add path field to S3 input events similar to the inputs/file pluginLOGSTASH-2196Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-2196Logstash Developers
- Enable S3 Input plugin to use EC2 instance IAM rolesLOGSTASH-2195Logstash Developers
- Cygwin - Cannot start LogstashLOGSTASH-2193Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-2193Logstash Developers
- Improve GC loggingLOGSTASH-2192Logstash Developers
- logstash 1.4.0/1.4.1 with USE_JRUBY=1 and elasticsearch_http output unable to workLOGSTASH-2190Colin Surprenant
- unexpanded %ELASTICSEARCH_VERSION% in tutorialLOGSTASH-2189Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-2189Logstash Developers
- Two syslogs inputs cannot run simultaneouslyLOGSTASH-2186Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-2186Logstash Developers
- Debian packages fail to installLOGSTASH-2185Logstash Developers
50 of 250
Logstash 1.4.2 RPM Creation (auto-dependencies)
Gliffy Diagrams
Created September 15, 2014 at 2:10 PM
Updated February 7, 2015 at 12:08 AM
Resolved February 7, 2015 at 12:08 AM
Jordan Sissel February 7, 2015 at 12:08 AM
We ship rpms for Logstash already. If these are insufficient, we are eager to see what we can improve.
If find our packages insufficient, I welcome you to file an issue at our new ticket tracker
I've tried to create a simple RPM using the logstash 1.4.2 tarball and have been unsuccessful in eliminating the following auto-dependencies that rpmbuild has placed on my package. Not sure why it would require the following, seeing as how it is all inclusive. What concerns me is the jbruby and ruby references.
Requires: /bin/bash /bin/sh /home/jls/.rvm/rubies/jruby-1.7.12/bin/jruby /usr/bin/env /usr/bin/ruby
I've included the spec file, it's really quite simple. I'm pretty sure I'm missing something small.