- New plugin : aggregate filterLOGSTASH-2194Logstash Developers
- Testing failed: "Add remote capability to the wmi plugin" from issue 1747LOGSTASH-2132Logstash Developers
- Handling Logstash ErrorsLOGSTASH-1964Logstash Developers
- Add JMX input pluginLOGSTASH-1915Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-1915Nicolas Fraison
- Configurable field to send with zabbix outputLOGSTASH-1657Logstash Developers
- Make ES output plugins write to an alias instead of directly to indexLOGSTASH-1653Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-1653Jordan Sissel
- match_and_tag option in grok filter?LOGSTASH-1641Logstash Developers
- DNS filter should have a 'target' optionLOGSTASH-1489Richard Pijnenburg
- elasticsearch_http discoveryLOGSTASH-1362Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-1362Logstash Developers
- Protobuf codec discussionLOGSTASH-1281Logstash Developers
- Elasticsearch: introduce Routing parameter to save spaceLOGSTASH-1211Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-1211Logstash Developers
- extra features for anonymize filter to replace the checksum filterLOGSTASH-1110Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-1110Richard Pijnenburg
- DNS Caching FilterLOGSTASH-1002Logstash Developers
- Plugin idea: input lag calculationLOGSTASH-993Logstash Developers
- TCP input events are expensiveLOGSTASH-967Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-967Former user
- fully support the json format in http outputLOGSTASH-955Logstash Developers
- elasticsearch_river should support redisLOGSTASH-928Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-928Logstash Developers
- HTTP inputLOGSTASH-871Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-871Logstash Developers
- Amazon S3 inputLOGSTASH-815Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-815Logstash Developers
- The Redis input should allow multiple Redis serversLOGSTASH-813Logstash Developers
- sflow inputLOGSTASH-800Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-800Jordan Sissel
- ipfix inputLOGSTASH-799Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-799Logstash Developers
- Better handling of failed date filter parsingLOGSTASH-777Philippe Weber
- metrics output should allow backfillLOGSTASH-752Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-752Logstash Developers
- metriks filterLOGSTASH-668Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-668Logstash Developers
- JMX InputLOGSTASH-533Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-533Logstash Developers
- stdin.rb close_on_eof patchLOGSTASH-456Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-456Former user
- Add websocket inputLOGSTASH-449Logstash Developers
- Ability to define data types for custom elasticsearch fieldsLOGSTASH-434Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-434
- remove_tag in mutate filterLOGSTASH-366Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-366Logstash Developers
- Context definition OR Sub-events definitionLOGSTASH-319Logstash Developers
- Extend File Plugin to support optional file pathsLOGSTASH-314Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-314Former user
- Make default .sincedb location configurableLOGSTASH-294Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-294Former user
- The bundled elasticsearch server should have more robust configuration options.LOGSTASH-250Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-250Jordan Sissel
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