- Codec incompatibilities between tcp and file inputsLOGSTASH-1833Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-1833Philippe Weber
- TCP unit test is failing more often than notLOGSTASH-1824Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-1824Former user
- Insufficient performanceLOGSTASH-1771Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-1771Jordan Sissel
- TCP input can't work in windows unless data_timeout was setLOGSTASH-1532Logstash Developers
- TCP and UDP inputs fail to functionLOGSTASH-1522Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-1522Jordan Sissel
- COMBINEDAPACHELOG not defined when trying 10-minute-walkthroughLOGSTASH-1490Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-1490Jordan Sissel
- Trailing TCP messages missing with json codecLOGSTASH-1447Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-1447Logstash Developers
- tcpinput newline splitLOGSTASH-1370Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-1370Philippe Weber
- tcp input breaking JSON messages in half (and screwing them up as a result)LOGSTASH-1332Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-1332Nick Ethier
- Logstash stop sending logLOGSTASH-1278Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-1278Logstash Developers
- Logstash filtering problemLOGSTASH-1102Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-1102Philippe Weber
- logstash looses messages on tcp inputLOGSTASH-1053Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-1053Logstash Developers
- Syslog udp diedLOGSTASH-552Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-552Logstash Developers
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