COMBINEDAPACHELOG not defined when trying 10-minute-walkthrough
Gliffy Diagrams
Jordan Sissel December 3, 2013 at 3:57 PM
Thank you for filing this!
I was working on this today, and I believe this to be a duplicate of LOGSTASH-1316. Follow up for this issue will appear on that ticket. Closing this one.
Jordan Sissel
Jordan SisselReporter
Philip Roche
Philip RocheLabels
Affects versions
Created October 18, 2013 at 12:12 PM
Updated December 3, 2013 at 3:57 PM
Resolved December 3, 2013 at 3:57 PM
When trying step 6 of I firstly get an error
"Exception in thread "LogStash::Runner" org.jruby.exceptions.RaiseException: (LoadError) no such file to load – logger
when trying `java -jar logstash-1.2.1-flatjar.jar agent -f apache-elasticsearch.conf – web`.
But trying with `web` as first argument
`java -jar logstash-1.2.1-flatjar.jar web – agent -f apache-elasticsearch.conf `
I get
"pattern %{COMBINEDAPACHELOG} not defined"
Any idea how to fix this?
elasticsearch server is running.
Also to note is that I also get the following warnings using the sample apache-elasticsearch.conf.
You are using a deprecated config setting "type" set in grok
You are using a deprecated config setting "pattern" set in grok.
You are using a deprecated config setting "pattern" set in grok.