- Grok throws match undefined on false:FalseClassLOGSTASH-1710Logstash Developers
- grok break_on_match not workingLOGSTASH-1618Logstash Developers
- Grok fails to parse IPv6 addressesLOGSTASH-1529Philippe Weber
- Grok's "match" throws "(TypeError) can't convert Array into String"LOGSTASH-1239Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-1239Jason Kendall
- Grok Pattern works with online debugger but not in the logstash indexerLOGSTASH-1207Logstash Developers
- filter grok tag_on_failure no longer accepts falseLOGSTASH-1197Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-1197Logstash Developers
- Logstash silently fails on startup with bug in pattern from pattern fileLOGSTASH-1175Logstash Developers
- Logstash crash on windows with grok filterLOGSTASH-1143Logstash Developers
- "undefined method `<<' for nil:NilClass" when field already existsLOGSTASH-857Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-857Logstash Developers
- Ensure patterns/matches are parsed in order within grokLOGSTASH-791Logstash Developers
- Add 'on_failure' and 'on_success' features to filters?LOGSTASH-727Jordan Sissel
- Add tests to cover grok matching a numberLOGSTASH-717Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-717Jordan Sissel
- Grok "TIME" failing on unpadded "seconds"LOGSTASH-709Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-709Philippe Weber
- grok: break_on_match does not work for multiple patterns on a single fieldLOGSTASH-703Jordan Sissel
- Grok parsing on HaProxy logs fails if http_request is absolute urlLOGSTASH-632Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-632Logstash Developers
- Grok singles option is broken for complex patternsLOGSTASH-630Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-630Logstash Developers
- Grok Pattern Matching Command-Line but not in LogstashLOGSTASH-369Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-369Jordan Sissel
- pure-ruby grok hangs indefinitely on a particular patternLOGSTASH-203Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-203Jordan Sissel
18 of 18
Grok throws match undefined on false:FalseClass
Gliffy Diagrams
Logstash Developers
Logstash DevelopersReporter
Chris Huang
Chris HuangLabels
Affects versions
Created December 16, 2013 at 2:13 PM
Updated March 25, 2015 at 5:42 AM
Stefan Kutzke April 30, 2014 at 9:52 AM
I'm using logstash-1.4.0-1_c82dc09.noarch.rpm. Modifying the files /opt/logstash/lib/logstash/filters/grok.rb and /opt/logstash/spec/filters/grok.rb based on this patch solved the problem for me.
Kristian Köhler March 21, 2014 at 2:32 PM
Same problem in Version 1.4.0
"Applying the patch" solved the problem (there are some differences in the code)
Alf Lervåg January 28, 2014 at 11:13 AM
This seems to fix the issue.
Alf Lervåg January 28, 2014 at 9:22 AM
I am seeing this issue in 1.3.3
Martin Dengler January 16, 2014 at 11:14 AM
I am seeing this issue still in 1.3.2
Grok regexp threw exception exception undefined method match for false:FalseClass
This message is repeated many times in my logs.
As far as I understand this can only be either line
logstash/lib/logstash/filters/grok.rb:317 or 330
and that the private function match(grok, field, match) must have been called with 'grok' as false and not the type the function is expecting.
Not entirely sure why though. Also changing the 'warn' macro so we take the exception object and return the backtrace in the log would be helpful.