Please indicate on the docs page what platforms logstash supports
Gliffy Diagrams
Brian Finch December 5, 2011 at 5:53 PMEdited
Awesome! Thanks. I'll download 1.1.0 and give it a shot.
Jordan Sissel December 3, 2011 at 9:48 PM
That said, the full intention is to work on all platforms where possible. Using inotify was an early mistake I regretted shortly after making it.
I'll remove the 'beta' flag from 1.1.0 as soon as I finish some testing, but in general it's already deployed in production many places and is fully supported for features, bugs, etc.
Jordan Sissel December 3, 2011 at 9:46 PM
Sorry for the confusion, but this is fixed in logstash 1.1.0 - As of logstash 1.1.0 (currently in production-supported beta), it works on Windows, OS X, Solaris, etc.
You can download it here:
Docs here:
Logstash looks like a great tool. Unfortunately, it won't work for my purposes because I wanted to use it in a Solaris 10 environment. It looks like logstash depends on inotify, so no cool logging tool for me. 😞
It would have saved me a few minutes to know that before I spent the time to download it and try to set it up.
A callout in the docs page that indicates it's linux only would save folks like me a little time.