- UndefinedConversionError with UTF-8 encoding in xml pluginLOGSTASH-2246Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-2246Philippe Weber
- "Error: invalid byte sequence in UTF-8" file input crashLOGSTASH-2143Logstash Developers
- Unexpected / invalid UTF8 character in log input file causes logstash halt / infinite loopLOGSTASH-2126Logstash Developers
- Problem with character encoding in json_linesLOGSTASH-2097Logstash Developers
- Error: invalid byte sequence in UTF-8 {:level=>:error}LOGSTASH-2059Logstash Developers
- InvalidByteSequenceError: ""\xEF""LOGSTASH-1988Logstash Developers
- Exception in thread "LogStash::Runner" org.jruby.exceptions.RaiseException: (InvalidByteSequenceError) ""\xA7"" on ASCII-8BITLOGSTASH-1947Logstash Developers
- Failed to flush outgoing items, imap => elasticsearchLOGSTASH-1908Logstash Developers
- logstash crashes with UTF-8 issueLOGSTASH-1879Logstash Developers
- Illegal/malformed utf-8 exception with input file encoded as utf-8LOGSTASH-1872Logstash Developers
- eventlog input: UndefinedConversionError from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8LOGSTASH-1847Logstash Developers
- Failing to decode base64 stringLOGSTASH-1802Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-1802Jordan Sissel
- Logstash crashing on converting from ASCII to UTF-8LOGSTASH-1789Logstash Developers
- Access to German Windows EventLog failsLOGSTASH-1752Logstash Developers
- Exception in thread "LogStash::Runner" org.jruby.exceptions.RaiseException: (Com patibilityError) incompatible character encodings: GBK and UTF-8LOGSTASH-1742Logstash Developers
- 8bit character kill XMPP inputLOGSTASH-1682Logstash Developers
- Exception in LogStash::Filters::CSV whith illegal utf-8 event, no explicit codec and quote delimiterLOGSTASH-1665Logstash Developers
- I got a problem when I collect eventlog message from win8 use nxlogLOGSTASH-1659Logstash Developers
- logstash indexer gets stuck frequently attempting to flush outgoing to elastisearchLOGSTASH-1559Logstash Developers
- The Big UTF-8 TicketLOGSTASH-1443Logstash Developers
- JSON::GeneratorError: source sequence is illegal/malformed utf-8LOGSTASH-1407Logstash Developers
- Wrong Encoding ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 for input eventlog for German UmlautsLOGSTASH-1390Logstash Developers
- logstash indexer hangs and eventually goes OOM on "malformed utf-8" errorLOGSTASH-1389Logstash Developers
- File input needs to be sanitized - kills processLOGSTASH-1382Logstash Developers
- elasticsearch can't index utf-8 encoded log messages with norwegian characters (Æ Ø Å)LOGSTASH-1374Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-1374Jordan Sissel
- Exception: source sequence is illegal/malformed utf-8LOGSTASH-1353Logstash Developers
- Grok Regexp Threw Exception on syslog file inputLOGSTASH-1352Logstash Developers
- Source sequence is illegal/malformed utf-8LOGSTASH-1308Jordan Sissel
- UndefinedConversionError with EventLog and GELFLOGSTASH-1228Logstash Developers
- UTF-8 encoding with file input and redis outputLOGSTASH-1195Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-1195Logstash Developers
- drupal_dblog filter cannot unserialize non-UTF-8 encoded stringsLOGSTASH-1036Logstash Developers
- Trouble sending GELF event - JSON::GeneratorError: source sequence is illegal/malformed utf-8LOGSTASH-828Logstash Developers
- Redis outputfails with UTF-8LOGSTASH-725Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-725Jordan Sissel
- Potential encoding problem with either JSON or Redis outputLOGSTASH-326Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-326Logstash Developers
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