- Logstash Agent Does Not Seem to Talk to RedisLOGSTASH-2191Logstash Developers
- Logstash 1.4 redis disconnectsLOGSTASH-2127Logstash Developers
- Redis plugin doesn't restartLOGSTASH-1946Logstash Developers
- Centralized Logstash: Logstash Shipper Message Gets to All Redis Servers on the NetworkLOGSTASH-1937Logstash Developers
- Failed to get event from redisLOGSTASH-1762Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-1762Aaron Mildenstein
- Running Logstash, Redis and ElasticSearch as a service on CentosLOGSTASH-1734Logstash Developers
- Alternative to Redis for remote log gathering.LOGSTASH-1681Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-1681Logstash Developers
- compress_spooler does not work on indexer input sideLOGSTASH-1609Logstash Developers
- Redis Input with XMPP Output ErrorLOGSTASH-1589Logstash Developers
- unable to push the sys logs from shipper to redis serverLOGSTASH-1580Logstash Developers
- Redis output pluginLOGSTASH-1544Logstash Developers
- redis fails to quit without active streamLOGSTASH-1482Logstash Developers
- Multiple Redis inputs do not workLOGSTASH-1463Logstash Developers
- Filters using too much cpuLOGSTASH-1400Logstash Developers
- IPV6 Support for Redis outputLOGSTASH-1291Richard Pijnenburg
- Logstash stop sending logLOGSTASH-1278Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-1278Logstash Developers
- redis input doesn't re-connect automatically following network glitchLOGSTASH-1203Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-1203Jason Kendall
- UTF-8 encoding with file input and redis outputLOGSTASH-1195Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-1195Logstash Developers
- input threads multiply input reads N*threadsLOGSTASH-1162Logstash Developers
- redis plugin trying to connect with mapped ipv6 address, failsLOGSTASH-964Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-964Jordan Sissel
- elasticsearch_river should support redisLOGSTASH-928Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-928Logstash Developers
- Allow for pre-queue encryption and post-queue decryption of log messagesLOGSTASH-918Logstash Developers
- conversion error in redis outputLOGSTASH-743Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-743Logstash Developers
- Use varying redis keys, similar to ES indiciesLOGSTASH-671Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-671Jordan Sissel
- Redis output could use list of hostsLOGSTASH-629Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-629Jordan Sissel
- uninitialized constant UNIXSocket exception when running HP-UX logstash client with redis outputLOGSTASH-577Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-577Jordan Sissel
- on Windows client logstash-1.1.1-monolithic redis output does exceptionLOGSTASH-560Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-560Jordan Sissel
- Potential encoding problem with either JSON or Redis outputLOGSTASH-326Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-326Logstash Developers
28 of 28
Logstash Agent Does Not Seem to Talk to Redis
Gliffy Diagrams
Logstash Developers
Logstash DevelopersReporter
Brian Wilkins
Brian WilkinsAffects versions
Created May 8, 2014 at 4:31 PM
Updated May 13, 2014 at 2:29 PM
Yih-Yoon Lee May 13, 2014 at 2:29 PM
I am having the same problem with 1.4.1 (new installation) as well.
I have verified that my redis instance is running by using the redis-cli to issue a PING and received a PONG. I also used telnet from another server and received a +PONG.
input { stdin { } }
output {
stdout { codec => rubydebug }
redis { host => "<ip>" data_type => "list" key => "logstash" }
On redis, I have the standard configuration out of box from RPM.
I am following the configuration laid out in the Logstash Book by James Turnbull (granted he installs via tarball and me via RPM but the configuration should be the same).
Running $ logstash -agent -f /etc/logstash/logstash-redis.conf I get the standard warning about using milestone 2 output plugin 'redis'. I type hello world into the console. Logstash gives me the JSON output. Hostname is my current host I am sending from. No messages go to redis.