- Help Required NewbieLOGSTASH-1523Logstash Developers
- logstash unable to parse the fileLOGSTASH-949Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-949Logstash Developers
- Grok filter failsLOGSTASH-868Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-868Logstash Developers
- Cannot connect to ElasticSearchLOGSTASH-812Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-812Jordan Sissel
- SQS plugin fails to access queue when inside jar fileLOGSTASH-801Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-801Logstash Developers
- Multiline weirdness.LOGSTASH-798Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-798Logstash Developers
- INPUT TCP adds in @source (logstash server interface where TCP is listening)LOGSTASH-796Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-796Jordan Sissel
- UndefinedConversionError in Redis outputLOGSTASH-794Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-794Jordan Sissel
- Logstash hangs after some time with every thread blockedLOGSTASH-793Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-793Logstash Developers
- Lumberjack terminating kills LogStashLOGSTASH-792Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-792Jordan Sissel
- watchdog timeoutLOGSTASH-790Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-790Logstash Developers
- Gelf Output - LevelLOGSTASH-782Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-782Logstash Developers
- ThreadError: queue shut down with tcp outputLOGSTASH-778Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-778Logstash Developers
- Library Conflict with elasticsearch_httpLOGSTASH-776Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-776Jordan Sissel
- date filter producing wrong monthLOGSTASH-774Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-774Logstash Developers
- Logstash JSON warnings being loggedLOGSTASH-773Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-773Logstash Developers
- @source_host is incorrect when input file has spaces in its nameLOGSTASH-771Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-771Philippe Weber
- Crash: Unable to activate ftw-0.0.22, because addressable-2.3.2 conflicts with addressable (= 2.2.6)LOGSTASH-767Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-767Logstash Developers
- TimeoutError: watchdog timeout on DNS filterLOGSTASH-765Logstash Developers
- Rspec doesn't work from jar fileLOGSTASH-764Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-764Jordan Sissel
- Missing % for the POSINT:pid pattern in RUBY_LOGGERLOGSTASH-763Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-763Logstash Developers
- gem mongo does not reconnectLOGSTASH-762Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-762Logstash Developers
- DNS resolution not refreshedLOGSTASH-760Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-760Logstash Developers
- mutate/rename should not rename non-existing fieldsLOGSTASH-757Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-757Jordan Sissel
- syslog_pri has wrong severity orderLOGSTASH-749Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-749Logstash Developers
- elasticseatch_http filter to_json failureLOGSTASH-745Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-745Jordan Sissel
- The --help flag no longer works (or is still documented after being removed)LOGSTASH-744Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-744Jordan Sissel
- Add TRACE to LOGLEVEL in grok-patterns fileLOGSTASH-740Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-740Jordan Sissel
- kv gives error when using custom fieldLOGSTASH-739Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-739Logstash Developers
- Change logstash log format to json (or something else we can parse)LOGSTASH-738Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-738Logstash Developers
- Error on parse date timestamp in apache_logLOGSTASH-737Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-737Logstash Developers
- relp corrupts fields and crashesLOGSTASH-736Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-736Logstash Developers
- Embedded GeoLiteCity.dat doesn't workLOGSTASH-734Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-734Logstash Developers
- Add ability to set all fieldnames to lowercaseLOGSTASH-732Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-732Logstash Developers
- gelf custom_fields does not expand field valuesLOGSTASH-730Philippe Weber
- Failed to send event to redisLOGSTASH-726Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-726Jordan Sissel
- Redis outputfails with UTF-8LOGSTASH-725Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-725Jordan Sissel
- Date filter getting wrong date when day and monthday are suppliedLOGSTASH-723Philippe Weber
- Give file input "tail" option to start at the end of the file every time logstash restartsLOGSTASH-721Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-721Jordan Sissel
- Null Pointer exception in JSON serializationLOGSTASH-716Logstash Developers
- LogStash agent stops sending to redis when encountering a UTF-8 encoding errorLOGSTASH-712Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-712Logstash Developers
- An empty config file produces a confusing error.LOGSTASH-711Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-711Logstash Developers
- LogStash silently halts ALL processing on certain eventsLOGSTASH-708Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-708Jordan Sissel
- RELP input plug-in only handles one connection, will crash logstash with more than one connection.LOGSTASH-707Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-707Philippe Weber
- Malformed date field stops all futher log processingLOGSTASH-705Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-705Logstash Developers
- grok: break_on_match does not work for multiple patterns on a single fieldLOGSTASH-703Jordan Sissel
- UTF-8 Encoding exception in output to json typeLOGSTASH-702Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-702Jordan Sissel
- With Input "file" following error occurs: unsupported or native support failed to loadLOGSTASH-699Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-699Logstash Developers
- UndefinedConversionError stops all log processingLOGSTASH-697Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-697Jordan Sissel
- 'addressable' gem version conflicts between logstash and ftwLOGSTASH-694Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-694Logstash Developers
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