- Multiline Codec Dropping Last Line in XML FilesLOGSTASH-2124Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-2124Logstash Developers
- sensu codec for rabbitmq outputLOGSTASH-2116Logstash Developers
- Support more than one charset per input/codecLOGSTASH-2096Logstash Developers
- Json_lines codec fails to convert character from Windows-1252 to UTF-8LOGSTASH-1972Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-1972Logstash Developers
- Feature request: Conditionals in lumebrjack inputLOGSTASH-1893Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-1893Logstash Developers
- NetFlow Codec Not WorkingLOGSTASH-1855Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-1855Logstash Developers
- Codec incompatibilities between tcp and file inputsLOGSTASH-1833Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-1833Philippe Weber
- RFC: pass original event obj to codec on_event callLOGSTASH-1796Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-1796Logstash Developers
- file output ignores codecLOGSTASH-1795Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-1795Logstash Developers
- nested json are lost in oldlogstashjson codecLOGSTASH-1727Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-1727TinT
- Multiline codec does not send latest message of a logfileLOGSTASH-1697Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-1697Logstash Developers
- I got a problem when I collect eventlog message from win8 use nxlogLOGSTASH-1659Logstash Developers
- multiline codec on stdin input consumes all input, but no outputLOGSTASH-1629Logstash Developers
- oldlogstashjson codec encode() emits ruby hashes instead of jsonLOGSTASH-1626Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-1626Brad Fritz
- compress_spooler does not work on indexer input sideLOGSTASH-1609Logstash Developers
- Netflow numeric values are stored as stringsLOGSTASH-1596Logstash Developers
- Malformed JSON given to oldlogstashjson causes hard crashLOGSTASH-1534Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-1534Logstash Developers
- Bug in Logstash json filterLOGSTASH-1449Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-1449Jordan Sissel
- Trailing TCP messages missing with json codecLOGSTASH-1447Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-1447Logstash Developers
- tcp input breaking JSON messages in half (and screwing them up as a result)LOGSTASH-1332Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-1332Nick Ethier
- Encoding issue with JSON causing elasticsearch to reset the connectionLOGSTASH-1328Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-1328Jordan Sissel
- Regression/decoding issue with JSON codecLOGSTASH-1327Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-1327Logstash Developers
- Codec - JSON - eventLOGSTASH-1032Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-1032Nick Ethier
- Codec - JSONLOGSTASH-1031Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-1031Nick Ethier
- Codec - PlainLOGSTASH-1030Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-1030Nick Ethier
- Codecs - Build out frameworkLOGSTASH-1029Resolved issue: LOGSTASH-1029Nick Ethier
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