Server 2008
Gliffy Diagrams

Philippe Weber January 24, 2015 at 2:08 PM
Improved windows support in 1.5.0

Jason Kendall March 5, 2014 at 6:49 PM
1.4.x is still in beta, so that could be an issue not fixed yet.
Can you add the error message?
Hello all.
I am a newbie to Logstash. I work in Windows environment and cannot use Linux. Accordingly, I have tried to use Logstash on Server 2008 devices with no luck. I have had a little luck with the batch file in the 1.4.0 beta. However, running the batch file, it appears as if it cannot find the config file. As a result, does anybody have advice on making a release worker on Windows products, as I am to the point in believing that it simply doesn't?