Problem when doing multiple file inputs


I have a conf file which takes in two files of two types:

It doesnt seem to pick up any added lines to either file when i have both files being listened to. If i comment out one file input it works fine and picks up line change immediateley and tries to parse them as expected.
Am i doing something dumb here. Or do i need to manage multiple files in a different way.

My whole file code is attached below



Gliffy Diagrams



debs November 21, 2013 at 12:29 PM

can you attach the whole conf file

Palak Gautam November 21, 2013 at 9:20 AM

Hi can you please let me know that when you give a file input does it works fine? how did you do that in my case it gives a error.
my input in config is
file {
type => "syslog"

  1. Wildcards work, here
    path => [ "/var/log/*.log", "/var/log/messages", "/var/log/syslog" ]

The error is coming

D:\Elasticsearchproject\logstash>java -jar logstash-1.2.2-flatjar.jar agent -f l
ogstash-simple.conf←[33mUsing milestone 2 input plugin 'file'. This plugin should be stable, but if
you see strange behavior, please let us know! For more information on plugin milestones, see {:level=>:warn}←[0m




Affects versions

Created November 18, 2013 at 5:44 PM
Updated February 13, 2015 at 10:03 PM